Getting Started

Getting Started


Sign Up for a Tiny API Account

Before you can start using Tiny API, you need to sign up for an account. Doing so will generate your unique API key, which is required for accessing our APIs.

Visit our website at (opens in a new tab) and create your account.

Pick an API you need

Go to our marketplace hub (opens in a new tab) page to find an API you need. Once you've picked an API it will show up in your hub (opens in a new tab) page

Generate a new API Key

Once you have an API added to your hub, you need to generate a key via which you will access the endpoints of this API.

You can do so by going you Key Management (opens in a new tab) page. Generate a new key and store your key safely.

Note: For security reasons we do not store your keys, so ensure you've copied and saved it securely with you.

Copy integration code and make a request

Once you have your API key, you'll need to add it to your project's environment variables or configuration file. This will enable secure access to the Tiny API services.

When you make your first API call you can see the logs inside the specific API page, under the usage tab.


Familiarity with Your Project's Language and Framework

Ensure you are familiar with the programming language and framework you are using in your project. This will help you better understand the integration process and use the APIs effectively.

Registered Tiny API Account

A registered Tiny API account is required to access the API key and manage your API usage. Make sure to sign up for an account before starting the integration process.

Working with Environment Variables or Configuration Files

You should know how to work with environment variables or configuration files in your project, as you will need to store and access your Tiny API key.

Example: Accessing the API key stored in a .env file in a Python project import os

api_key = os.environ["TINY_API_KEY"]