Listing Your API

Listing your API on Tiny API

It can take us 3-5 days to review your API. Once your API is approved, it will be listed on the Tiny API Marketplace. We will notify you when your API is approved.

Get an API publisher account

  1. Go to (opens in a new tab) and create an account
  2. Once your account is created go to → Published APIs (from top nav)
  3. Click to request publisher access
  4. Our team should reach out in 2-3 days
  5. Join our slack community (opens in a new tab) for quick access to Tiny API team

Optimise your profile information

  1. Go to (opens in a new tab) to update your account details such as name, username, etc
  2. Your public profile will be available at$username

Checklist to list your API

  • API info [name, short description, one page documentation]
  • API endpoints [url, short info, request type and request params, OpenAPI specs]
  • API pricing [how is your API priced, we currently support tiered pricing only]
  • API authentication [what kind of auth does your API use]
  • API caching, rate limits [if applicable]
  • API support email [how can customers get in touch with you?]
  • API changelog [when things change in your API]
  • API health [health check endpoint, incident reports, etc]
  • Payout info [bank or paypal account you’d like to receive your money in]

Note: We will get in touch with you to prepare this list before you go live on Tiny API. It’d help if you can have these info handy in a single document to make the process fast.

API usage and tracking

  • You can monitor how your API is performing, sales and more from the published API dashboard
  • If you have multiple APIs, you can see a consolidated dashboard + performance for each API

API Listing Agreement

We will send you our API Listing Agreement to sign. This agreement is to ensure that your API is listed on the Tiny API Marketplace and that you agree to our terms and conditions.